Intimate Soliloquies #1 | Patinaed Mordançage print, gelatin silver chemigram | 20x24 inches | Unique
Intimate Soliloquies, 2024
A soliloquy, in drama, is a speech delivered by a character speaking their thoughts aloud, often while alone on stage. It serves as a way to reveal inner feelings or struggles directly to the audience. These singular works mirror that sense of introspection and individuality, intentionally resisting the framework of a series.
Rooted in experimentation and material dialogue, each piece reflects the unrepeatable nature of my artistic process and the powerful resonance of stand-alone expressions. Created entirely by hand, they embody the same devotion to pushing the boundaries of photographic art through innovative techniques that grant my materials their own agency. Each work emerges as a visual record of collaboration between intention and response, capturing moments of transformation and offering an intimate encounter with impermanence and the interconnected forces that shape our existence.